1:1 Coaching
The average person has about 462,000 waking hours in their lifetime. We often surrender a staggering 90,000+ of those finite hours to our careers, accounting for nearly 20% of our entire lives.
But here’s the empowering reality: the remaining 80% of your life is entirely within your control. The question is, what will you choose to do with it?
That's where I come in
As your leadership and executive coach, I’m here to help you optimize not just the 80% of your life outside of work, but also the crucial 20% you devote to your career – because we all know that life is rarely that compartmentalized.
Don’t you deserve to spend the majority of your days feeling deeply purposeful, consistently valued, and profoundly fulfilled? The choice is yours. But if the answer is yes, know that you don’t have to do it alone.

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?
Stress Trickle Down
“I am so stressed out at work that it’s trickling down and impacting every other area of my life – my family life, my relationship, my health. I can’t give 100% to anything because I feel like I can barely stay afloat.”
No Seat At The Table
“I am the go-to for all major projects and strategic decisions. I am always consulted when we’re under the wire. Yet, I do not have a seat at the table.”
playing it small
“I don’t want to push too hard and be seen as aggressive or dominating. I just have to keep my head-down, continue excelling at my job and wait for an invitation before speaking.”
overextended & exhausted
“At work, I support, challenge, and advocate for my team. The c-suite sees me as someone who can execute on their vision. At home, my family is my priority. I am their emotional and physical supporter and cheerleader. I volunteer in my community. I have aspirations to do more but I am simply overextended and exhausted.”
Case Of The Should's
“I suffer from a case of the SHOULDS. Other parents think I SHOULD be more involved at my kids’ school. Sometimes I SHOULD myself into thinking I need more experience before going for that promotion (although my male counterparts don’t.) None of the SHOULDS feel good…. And the list goes on.”
Guilt & Lack of Boundaries
“ I feel intense guilt if I try to put myself or my values first. Inside I know that “no” is a full sentence. Yet why do I struggle to set boundaries? The truth is… if I put even half as much time into myself as I put into everyone else, I’d be running the company.”
It Doesn't Have to Be This Hard
The truth is, you’ve felt this way for a while…
But it’s time to take a NEW fork in the road –
One that makes you feel deeply purposeful, consistently valued, and profoundly fulfilled.
Now Imagine Our Work Together is Complete...
What will be different in your life because of our work together?
communication Superpower
You are able to clearly vocalize your needs and set strong boundaries. You feel comfortable using “no” as a full statement. And saying “yes” to only the things that fill you up. Your strong communication skills allow others to view you as an expert authority. You finally have both a seat and voice at the table.
Success Without Sacrifice
The Sunday Scaries have scurried away. You’re killing it at work. You feel confident in your ability to lead with vision and strategy. There seems to be less chaotic energy in your life because you have it all under control. But the best part? You leave work at work. You are fully PRESENT in each area of your life – both at work AND at home.
Feeling Valued & Worthy
At work and at home, you’re no longer taken for granted as the “catch-all” for all things. Which means… you’re no longer overextended and burnt out. Your voice is VALUED. Your expertise is VALUED. At work it shows up in the form of recognition, promotion, pay, and a seat at the table. You know your own power. And you no longer give it away for free.