You get sh*t done with great results.
You have a PhD in juggling and doing it all.
You’re the one everyone relies on.
The Female Flex:

… And you still feel like it’s not enough to get you the recognition and fulfillment that you deserve. What’s missing? “Maybe it’s me?,” whispers that tiny voice.
Let’s STOP that voice. Right here, right now.
I get it – not only I was there for years but I see this all the time.
- At work, you are always the go-to when something’s on-the-line, but you are only recognized as the incredible doer and not the strategic senior leader you are.
- At home, you constantly transition between meal prep, conference calls, extra-curricular activities, presentation preps – your superhuman powers are always taken for granted.
- You want to say “no” as a full-sentence both at work and at home, but you don’t want to be seen as “difficult” or “not a team player” because it’s tough for you to champion yourself.
I can keep going because I’ve been there and felt the exact same way – as have so many other phenomenal leaders. You are not alone in these challenges and experiences.
The Female Flex program is crafted to help YOU, the dynamic, ambitious leader, articulate your impact and value in your professional and personal life so you can inspire your team, supercharge your careers, and get the recognition (+ promotion and pay) you deserve.
This is for the woman who is...
A Dynamic leader with a seat at the table...
… But no voice at that table. You have the high-level job title (SVP, Director, etc.) you’ve always desired. Yet you still feel like a pawn and not a true leader. In a room full of “peers” you are still executing versus setting the strategic vision, and certainly not treated as a true equal. You thought things would look different once you received this job title… yet the JOB is still the same. You are tired of not having an impact and know that something needs to change.
A multi-hyphenate leader at home and at work
You’re an executive parent wearing many hats. You’re coaching your team from 9am – 6pm and then coaching your kids at soccer from 6pm – 8pm. Of course, the two worlds bleed into each other. Sometimes life feels like chaos. You want to be fully present in both situations but feel overwhelmed and depleted.
a Director or VP WHO wants to level up
You’re a doer and a leader. You struggle to transition from management to leadership, and as a result, you don’t have a strong leadership presence. You know you need to improve your ability to articulate all you can bring to the table. All the leadership books in the world aren’t going to get you the support you need to get to the next level.
The Female Flex Leadership Development & Coaching Program includes:
1:1 Coaching (6 months, 18 sessions)
You’ll receive customized coaching towards your specific goals and challenges. While I’ll always have a suggested lesson plan prepared, remember the session is yours. Each session will bring you closer to your desired outcomes.
Energy Leadership Assessment, 10 page personalized report & debrief
The first step to understanding yourself as a leader. This will help you uncover what’s holding you back so we can create a blueprint to move forward.
Free Access to the SCOPE App
This will help you understand your energy and feelings toward a specific situation, likely one that’s causing you stress. You can then choose to pivot in the moment or we can create a plan forward during our coaching session. (I love to use this as a gut check before important conversations.)
Unlimited email support in between sessions
It’s like having me in your pocket. No need to wait until our next session to get answers to your questions.
Core Leadership Development Program Toolkit
A toolkit of expansive resources customized to your specific needs. These include worksheets, planning guides, journaling prompts, and more.
Monthly Blueprint + Detailed Session Notes
We’ll kick off each month with a roadmap of potential topics, based on our previous sessions.
Your primary goal in our sessions is to be fully present. To help you do that, I take the responsibility of taking detailed notes that I share with you in our blueprint doc.
Weekly Accountability Check-In
Weekly email with tasks, check-ins, and home-play (work to be completed during the week). This will provide you with the structure, focus, accountability, and partnership you need to succeed.
What sets The Female Flex apart?

- Holistic Approach: Most Career Coaching Programs focus on either the tangible (resumes & LinkedIn) or the softer topics like identifying a career you’re passionate about. In this program we do BOTH because you can’t have one without the other.
- Accountability: This program will keep you accountable unlike any other. How? Because the real work begin after we set your goals. I'll be there to partner with you to implement and execute your plan.
- Energy Leadership: This program uses a unique proprietary technique called Energy Leadership Coaching. Recognized by Forbes, Energy Leadership is an X-ray into your brain, helping uncover dominant thought and behavioral patterns (and how to change them.)
The 4 Core Pillars of The Female Flex
Leadership Development & Coaching Program
Launching Pad: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life
You kick off the day with high energy but by 9:30 am you’ve already had a team member resign with no hope for a new hire. The emotional and mental ping pong game has begun and it’s not even noon. And you wonder why you’re chronically exhausted!
If you want your energy to STOP being at the whims of everything and everyone else, you need an unshakable mindset. Your mindset is the engine of your energetic equilibrium and the secret to staying on your feet no matter what’s going on around you.
After you’ve worked through this pillar, burnout, fear, guilt, overwhelm, and mental fog will rarely take you down again. You’ll end your day feeling as grounded, worthy, and capable as you did at the fresh start of the day. You’ll be the reliable, even-keeled leader people count on.
Pillar 1 includes:
- The #1 Forbes Ranked Energy Leadership Assessment, 10 page report, & debrief that will show you how to set an unshakable foundation for leadership that withstands highs and lows.
- The simplest but most effective tool that will stop the mental and emotional ping pong so you can lead the way you want instantly and stay focused and present in the moment.
- Exclusive access to the coach-in-your-pocket SCOPE(™) app so you can instantly show up as someone who attracts recognition for their leadership.
Supercharge Your Career
What do you say when someone asks you, “What do you do?”
You have a seat at the table but you don't have a voice at the table. You're seen as just the title you've earned, "Director of Digital Strategy" or "SVP of Customer Success". But your title doesn't get you recognized for the incredible results you get for your team and company.
As part of supercharging your career, you’ll master the art of claiming and communicating what you uniquely do best and have a passion for.
It's about more than knowing your strengths – it's about owning them boldly so you can supercharge not just your pay and promotion, but more importantly, your impact and value as well.
This work leads to career shifts, promotions, and becoming a powerful leader who is highly sought after, respected and valued.
Pillar 2 includes:
- Your unique set of rules of engagement for any work situation which takes you out of emotional response mode and puts you more in control.
- Alignment with your S.V.Ps (strengths, values & passions) so that you’re doing work you were born to do.
- The key pain-gain model to help you master organizational politics so you can use them to your benefit and have a clear voice at the table.
Supercharge Your Leadership
Your team leans on you more than they need to, but you keep showing up for them. Even after you delegate tasks, you can’t step away. You never aspired to be a micromanager, but if you aren’t, work doesn’t get done to your standard.
You'll never get away from having your hands in ALL the things until you understand how to be there versus being involved. It’s about learning how to practice the difference between leadership and management so you can hone and embody your own leadership style. Once you do, your team will be trained up to be as effective as you are – if not more – and your leaders and peers will take notice.
After this, you will be able to lead rather than simply manage. This will empower you to motivate others and build a lasting legacy.
Pillar 3 includes:
- A 360 insight into how others view you as a leader so you can grow and evolve. (And NO this is NOT your typical 360!)
- Customized blueprint to the 7 different ways to approach any situation so you can consciously choose how you show up (versus being on autopilot with no results or worse, a knee-jerk emotionally charged reaction!)
- Team Vision & Values Exercise to build an incredibly connected and productive team with a shared north star and way of operating.
Integrate It All: Work + Life + Everything in Between
If you have to tell your kids you’re late at work and you’ll miss their game and dinner one more time, you’ll scream. Let’s face it, work-life balance just isn’t a thing these days.
That’s why as part of integrating it all, you’ll master the skills you need to radically revamp where your time and energy go – even the things you think you can’t say “no” to. Without the courage and power to be the captain of your own ship, you’ll keep getting pulled into everyone else’s priorities. I’m guessing that’s not how you want to spend the next 5/10/15 years.
Through this work, you’ll vanquish the butterflies in your stomach that come up when it’s time to put work where work belongs.
Pillar 4 includes:
- The golden standard of productivity tools to tame your to-do list so you can eliminate the busywork and reclaim up to 20 hours of your week.
- The secret to shutting down your email (yes, even on your phone) at a reasonable hour, regularly, so you can have a life outside of work that you love.
- Holistic SMART goal system to help you avoid burnout and achieve success in both your career and your personal life - a true double win.